5 Tips for Buying a Tablet PC

Rising human needs and decreasing levels of patience has always given birth to fantastic technology related miracles. Like, who thought decades ago that you could carry a PC in your hands. Yes, the same bulky thing that uncomfortably sat in a corner of the room, would be reduced to a size of a palm and reach possibly everywhere.

A Tablet PC is simply the most convenient size of a PC that can do almost all functions of what a desktop PC can do and still can be carried around without much sweat.

With so many available manufacturers, one tends to get overwhelmed with the choices. Which one to choose and how to make out which is better than another, is a task; but with a few tips along your sleeves you would be able to make a well rounded decision.

Tip 1# Check the apps and Operating system:

To begin with, you could start the process of weeding out your tablet PC from the crowd of hundreds by deciding, which operating system appeals to you most. The available ones being iOS and Android that runs on the Apple and Apple, respectively, and then you have Windows operating system powered tablets as well.

If you are looking for a tablet so that you could do many work related tasks such as make files, presentations or maintain an excel sheet, Tablet with Windows OS will be your best bet. While if you are self proclaimed gaming freak, iPad would serve the purpose, thanks to the fast processor. Even when it comes to uncompromised apps, iPad wins hands down in terms of both quality and quantity.

There are thousands of apps available for iPad as well as Android tablets on their respective stores. But, do keep in mind that there are some free and some premium apps, so you need to check if you really need them.

Tip 2# How would you use your tablet PC?

This should probably be at the top of the list. One of the best ways to choose a tablet is by asking yourself how do you intend to use your tablet. Whether you would to use it for official purpose with a lot of business related apps or you are buying it for personal usage like watching movies or listening to songs.

Do you intend to make the tablet PC “a laptop replacement” or it would be an additional gadget to the existing lot.

These questions would highly influence the budget, operating system and processors, which are all inter-related. It is best if you could note down your needs and expectations and carry it along when you are searching for one.

Tip 3 # Did you pay enough attention to size and appearance?

Enough said about performance, we would now highlight the importance of size and appearance of Tablet PC.  A few like to carry them in their back pockets and another few would want a larger screen.

A tablet also has to be light weight so that it can be carried around easily. And then, some would like their tablet a little rugged so that even their kid could use it, or one with smooth finish.

People who would primarily use a tablet for gaming purpose would emphasis on highly responsive touch screen. The Tablet PC should weigh just right and then the screen should be big enough for you to be able to do your work easily without squinting an eye.

You could find a dozen manufacturers who could offer you tablets which would take care of these needs and then some more.

Tip 4 # Features Features and Features

When the choice is multiple, it is always wise to check if you can land in a deal that will give you the best of both the worlds. Various features of tablet PC could be listed viz. storage capacity, battery life, Wifi-access, 4G/5G; front and rear cameras, and accessories that come with each of them.

As you have already sorted your needs, you would be able to make a quicker decision here. All major e commerce websites would allow you to compare those features and that would help you select the best amongst the rest.

Tip 4 # Price

Last surely not the least, pricing is very important criteria while buying  a tablet PC. The price could range from dirt cheap to ridiculously high, for each of them depends on the brand, features and version you decide to choose.

While we would always advise you to go in for latest versions et al, but do not go overboard with your budget.

Gadgets get upgraded every month  and to have all features in one is not really possible, you could possibly ask for high performance and great battery life. So, compromise and priorities is the “go phrase” here.

Look in for deals and coupons, and check various websites before you pick one. If you could postpone your buying  a little, wait for festive seasons, especially Black Friday, where you could seize in the best offer of the town.

Tip 5 # Reviews

Undoubtedly one of the best way to select a PC tablet would be asking someone who is using it. What can beat a first hand information, you could ask your friends or even go online researching for same. People give most honest reviews and that would help you understand the pros and cons of each. It is best to rely on one who is a “certified buyer” because that ways you would be assured that this person actually has had used the gadget.

We could give you all tips in the world, but lastly it depends on which features suit you best. Remember it’s about your preferences and your budget, combine these with logical facts and rest assured what you will get is the best deal.


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