Laptop or Tablet: What Should You Choose?

Markets in today’s time are flooded with gadgets. While customers welcome these wide array of products, the choice of which is better than other often leaves them bewildered.

Personal computer has gone drastic changes ever since it was discovered. From a bulky, space occupying object to something that is so handy that you can carry it anywhere and everywhere; the evolution is commendable.

If you are a gadget freak or someone who is planning his next purchase, you must be undergoing the same turmoil of whether to choose a good quality laptop or the latest tablet like iPad, isn’t it?

Sweat not! This article would highlight some significant features of both which will definitely help you decide better.

Laptop Or Tablet: Usage

First and foremost what is your purpose or what is that you intend to do with either of these gadgets?

You should first try to sort out your need. Are you looking for a gaming console or you are making purchase for office/business work?

When it comes to multi-tasking, Laptops win hands down. Not only that they are useful in doing office work, but also you could play a game or two, if your machine supports graphics card.

But if your main aim is Internet surfing, social media, music and little bit of gaming you would want to invest in a tablet, which kind of specializes in it. You could do all this while travelling with just your gadget and Internet dongle with you.

Laptop Or Tablet: Memory and Storage

Other features where laptop beats tablet is Memory and disk space. An average laptop comes with a storage capacity of 500GB, which is huge. You can store/save as many videos, music, files or photos as you want without having to worry about its performance hindered. Laptops also have a choice of expandable memory which would take care of your future needs.

But with tablet the memory is restricted and most of them do not have the provision of getting it expanded, even the high branded ones likes iPad etc. So, you can do a little but transfer the extra load to another gadget, which defeats the purpose.

Just like the storage capacity, the memory (that your device uses to store data temporarily) is also limited in tablet as compared to laptop. This is because they are not meant for heavier work loads.

Laptop or Tablet: Size & Weight

Yes, laptop is lighter than the traditional desktop PC but is it like the lightest? No. A Tablet wins this round when the comparison is about being light weight and comfortable to carry around. They are usually in range of 7 to10 inch in the size and weight as less than one pound.

It is easy to carry the tablet in a purse or back pocket (well not all of them but at least some) and use it as often as required. While laptop needs extra care and love, and you would need to carry a bulky laptop bag to take it from one point to another.

Laptop or Tablet: Performance

Whether it is the question of being fastest or ability to multitask, laptop beats tablets, thanks to high powered processors.

Tablets comparatively have low power processors making it difficult for them to process a lot of data at one time.

You would not be necessarily bothered when you check emails, surf internet, listen to music or play games but once you start more complicated task, you would realize that laptop scores past the tablets.

Laptop or Tablet: Cost

Another deciding factor that influences most of the purchase is cost. Tablets bring with them the latest of technology so have a premium charge, but then do they cost more than laptop? Usually not!

While you might find high end tablets of better configuration charging a bomb but on an average tablet is pretty much affordable. While you might find laptop at much lesser cost, but you surely wouldn’t want to compromise and buy one with most basic configuration.  A decent laptop with good processor and RAM should cost you around $600 and above.

So, these are the basic points of comparison between laptop & tablet. None of these necessarily makes one better than another. However, these points do highlight that your purchase should be driven by need and usage.


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