Top Tips for Computer Maintenance

Your PC or Computer is not just a machine to entertain you and keep you occupied but at the same time it’s also meant for some serious business. For some people, it’s their daily bread and butter.

Since we know that it’s an important piece of equipment, how do we ensure that it’s running fine all the time and there are minimal downtimes, if any? In the article below, we have enlisted some important computer maintenance tips that you can carry out on your computer -desktop system or laptop and be assured that your computer is hale and hearty all the time.

Uninstall unnecessary stuff

Many a times you must have wondered that your PC is running damn slow and your hard disk is also full with all sorts of programs that you’ve been installing as the time went by.

These unnecessary programs (or applications) may take lots of system memory as well as the hard disk space not to mention the precious processor time they tend to eat up. This basically adds up to decrease the system’s overall performance.

The best way to handle this enigma is to simply open up your control panel, go to Programs and Features (or Add / Remove programs) and view what all applications are installed there. Once you’ve identified the applications that you don’t use any more, just uninstall them. Once you do that, you will see for yourself the considerable improvement in your computer’s performance.

Timely update is an important task

Your Anti-virus or Windows OS for that matter is a piece of software that is being updated on regular basis by the company. The updates may include critical bug fixes, definitions for new virus or malware that is in circulation currently and more such as feature enhancement etc.

So make sure that you are updating your OS as well as Antivirus or any other programs for that matter such as browser to keep you safe and secure all the time. Instead of manually updating the software that you’ve installed on your machine, it’s highly recommended that you go for automatic updates. This will help you to have it’s latest version on your machine all the time. At the same time, automatic updates will make sure that you don’t have to worry about the manual process of updating each and every time there is a new update.

Run Scandisk and Defrag once in a while

Your hard disk is basically a piece of hardware equipment that becomes slow with it’s usage over a long period of time.

So it’s important to keep good care of it. One thing that you can do once in a while (in around 2-3 months or so) is to run Scandisk and check your hard disk for any physical or logical errors.

Other good to do task is to defrag your hard disk on timely basis so that the data used by an application is contiguous. This, in reality, boosts your computer performance since it doesn’t have to look for connecting data at n different locations. You’ll be pleased to know that both Scandisk and Defrag tools are part of Windows OS itself and you don’t need to download these from any third party sources.

Backup your important data

We don’t need to tell you much about why backup is important. Computer being a piece of electronic equipment, is liable to fail. And, in case you don’t have backup, you could land yourself in a difficult situation.

One way to be prepared for any such situation is to back up your data, preferably on a remote location (instead of DVDs and pen drives), so that you have full redundancy in case of situations such as theft, fire or any other situations for that matter.


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